These terms and conditions are to be read in conjunction with any rental document issued by Prop Hire and Deliver ( PHD), to which they apply. The term “hirer” refers to the customer who is hiring the equipment from PHD.
1. Hire Period
Hire periods are for a minimum of up to 1 week, and additional hire is on a weekly basis, from the day of collection from PHD premises to the day of return to PHD premises.
Rental charges are calculated on the basis of collection from PHD premises; any courier/despatch charges shall be the responsibility of the Hirer.
2. Liability
All equipment released for hire has been thoroughly checked and cleaned and regularly serviced by our technicians.
Not withstanding the above, these are hire items and the photos on the website may not indicate the current condition of the items, if this is important for the hire we suggest visiting our premises to inspect the items before hire.
Every effort has been made to ensure that it is in full working order when it leaves PHD’s premises. PHD will accept no responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising from any failure, use or mis-use of the equipment, nor for any consequential loss arising there from. PHD recommends that the Hirer makes their own checks and tests of the equipment before use, particularly before important assignments. If the equipment should fail during the rental period, PHD will endeavour to provide a replacement or similar item as soon as possible, but cannot guarantee to do so. It is recommended that in the case of important, costly assignments, Hirers should indemnify themselves against loss due to failure of hired equipment. It is assumed that the Hirer has sufficient skill and knowledge to operate the hired equipment correctly.
3. Deposits
PHD shall require the Hirer to provide a purchase order, or written confirmation of the hire
4. Loss and Damage
The Hirer shall be responsible for the return of the equipment to PHD at the agreed time, in the condition in which it was released to the Hirer.
LOSS – in the event of loss or theft or part or all of the equipment hired whilst in the care of the Hirer, the replacement cost will be charged, or will be invoiced in full to account holders.
DAMAGE – in the event of damage or breakage, the Hirer will be charged for repairs at our normal rates, this to be charged, or invoiced to account holders. Damage in transit shall be the responsibility of the Hirer, unless being delivered by PHD
5. Payment
All hire charges must be paid in advance of collection, unless the hirer has a credit account. Credit account terms are strictly 30 days from date of invoice, unless agreed in writing.
6. Availability
Equipment is hired and bookings taken subject to availability. If equipment which has been booked becomes unavailable through no fault of PHD, then PHD will endeavour to provide similar equipment at the agreed time, but cannot guarantee to do so. Availability of equipment to honour bookings made depends upon the prompt return of the equipment from the previous Hirer; in the event of failure to return hired equipment at the agreed time, PHD reserves the right to charge additional weeks hire for each week that it remains overdue.
In the event that equipment is returned damaged through mis-use by the Hirer, then PHD reserves the right to charge the Hirer any lost rental fees due to the equipment being out of service, in addition to the repair costs as detailed in paragraph 4.
Acceptance of the equipment for hire will be taken to signify acceptance by the Hirer of these terms and conditions. Any decision by PHD to waive any condition or requirement under any hire agreement will not in any way prejudice PHD’s rights under any other term or condition of the agreement.
7. Insurance
The hirer must ensure that any equipment hired is covered by adequate insurance.
8. Copyright
We cannot indemnify sanction or approve any rights to logos or ownership to any branding that our hire items may display. We recognise that that we do not have the power to offer these rights or clearance on brands.
Subsequently we will not be held responsible for their commercial use. The onus for clearance falls upon the hirer of any of our items.